What to work on?

What to work on? In the past 2 years this has been the hardest thing for the team - and me personally - to figure out.

The thing is, at Productive, we get over 250 individual feature requests a week. Not all of those are for new features though. A lot of them are actually things that multiple users want.

We currently have a database of over 1,700 different “things” that our customers have asked us for. Some of these features are simple and require a couple of hours of work. 

Others are very complicated and need months of work by multiple people.

There’s no escaping this. If your product is successful and people use it every day, they’re gonna wanna do more stuff with it. 

You can’t work on all those things at the same time, so the predominant challenge is figuring out - what to work on.

Our Engineering department is organized into vertical product teams. There are 4 main product teams and 1 infrastructure team.

Here’s a breakdown of how we’ve decided to tackle the major modules that make Productive and the numbers behind it.


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