Productive has a 4-day summer work week

Productive - 4 day workweek

This week marks the start of the summer 4-day workweek at Productive.

During summer, people at Productive work 4 days, have Fridays off, with no change in salary and no change in general vacation days.

When we started building the new phase of Productive we thought a lot about what we wanted the company to become.

The idea was to give people:

  • more time and quality in their lives

  • more ownership in the product they're building

Based on that, we wanted to build out two programs:

  • a 4-day workweek (in some fashion, either fully or partially)

  • Employee equity/ownership (ESOP or similar)

Both of those are not typical in the area where I'm from (Croatia), and one of my goals was to basically change that (the thinking, the attitude).


What to work on?