I bought a motorcycle that will probably break down


I've been riding bikes for 17 years now.

The first thing I did when I got to San Francisco was get a bike. I bought a used one from some random dude on Craigslist, only to get home and notice that the wires were all fudged up and the paperwork was iffy. Chances are - it was stolen.

In the past 3-4 years, I've driven more miles day-to-day on various bikes than I have in cars and that's how I like it. I've grown to hate winter and cold climates for this very reason.

Bikes are scary. But so is skiing, scuba diving, or fooling around with your neighbours wife. People still do these things because people are people, irrational, stupid, and that's ok.

Not doing something solely out of fear is not a great way to live your life.

Anyway, this is a new bike for me. A cross between a cruiser and a sport bike and it's kinda weird. Not very comfortable, overpriced and without any storage space whatsovever. Also, it's Italian so it will most certainly break down at one point.

But I like how it looks, how it goes and how it sounds. I love the tech on it and how it makes me feel when riding. I hope to be riding until I'm old and wrinkly.

Midlife crisis, come at me.


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